I’m on the Webfiction World Podcast …Stuttering about NaNoWriMo

Remember that podcast I mentioned a post ago?

Here’s the verdict…yes, there’s quite a few stumbling phrases and um’s and uh’s (32 in all if S. Winchester is to be believed…) but I didn’t do as terribly as I feared. I’m still kicking myself about a particular topic. I was asked a very good question: how my country influences my writing.

I botched it. It was an opportunity to say something really important and I botched it. Literally, I spewed a bunch of words together that was supposed to be this: Being from a country in which I am white and yet a minority is humbling and I’m thankful because it has given me a multicultural mindset. I am far more open than most writers to think consciously about this when it comes to character and world building. I think it’s a shame that POC (People Of Color) are not represented more in fiction and I make every attempt to include different cultures and ethnicities in my stories. Our culture caters to this ideal. People come from all over the world to vacation here and so we get a lot of opportunity to interact with all sorts of people with different viewpoints.

But alas…”I’m a writer, not a speaker!” 😛

I also have to say…despite not many considering themselves “readers”, Bahamians are some of the most creative people in the world. For instance, an old schoolmate of mine is making huge strives in visual entertainment through a group called Collage Entertainment. (They have a facebook page too) They’re making a movie called Get Charlie. A Bahamian movie! Using Bahamian culture!

You don’t understand, this is…a huge deal. I was lucky enough to have seen a small portion of the script because I happened to be in the right place at the right time. I loved what I saw. These guys, these guys are so funny and talented and I have every confidence they’re going to make a great movie.  During the elections, they did a spoof of what Bahamian Campaigning is like. I don’t remember laughing that hard in a long time.

I think even more than visual entertainment, there are few countries in the world that can rival our passion for music. From Papa Smurf +Who Dat, to Willis and the Illest, to TaDa, to Avante Garden. I never thought the day would come when we’d have a Bahamian Rock Band, but my countrymen are full of surprises.


You can listen to the podcast here. There’s a brief interview followed by a reading and a song and then a discussion on NaNoWriMo, which I’m officially donning my armor for.

But more on that later. How does your culture influence your writing, if at all?

Getting to know me…

Is really hard and I don’t envy any of you the task.

What the hell are you talking about, SJ?

I was recently invited as a guest on a podcast. Which podcast will remain a mystery until it’s been uploaded and I’ve had the chance to listen and discern whether or not I sounded like a complete moron. I get really formal when I’m nervous, and I’m never more nervous then when I have to talk about myself.

Which is beyond ridiculous, right? In theory, I should be the reigning expert on me!

In practice…”expert” sounds like a lot of stumbling phrases and broken off sentences that don’t so much end as just fall precariously to their not so sweet demise.

Not to mention I’m a Scorpio, so I’ve got that whole “mysterious” thing going on that doesn’t always lend itself to sharing.

And it wouldn’t even be so bad if I could just you know, chalk it up to being a terrible speaker. I could take some pride in that, retain some dignity while also unburdening myself from the responsibility and shame of not being up to par in areas outside my field.

“I’m a writer, not a public speaker!”

“I’m a writer, not a mathmagician!”

“I’m a writer, not your house keeper!”

No, seriously, I couldn’t be a house keeper. I don’t have it in me to be neat and orderly. Everything I touch turns to chaos.

It would be fine…except my last few “About” pages have been awkwardly stiff and formal as well. So, turns out I suck at writing about myself too. But with writing, like any thing, practice makes…if not perfect, then at least decent! Feel free to check out the newly renovated About page at the top. What do you think? I think it’s more “me”. Well, a less awkward “me” anyway.

What sort of things do you want to know about an author you’ve just stumbled upon? Do you like broad strokes or a more detailed, intimate look at what basically serves as a snapshot of their lives? Do tell.

Moving Right Along…

Wow. You know, I’m really a horrible blogger. It’s like I completely forget I even have a blog.

Except I don’t. I just obsess about what to post, and feel like I have nothing to say, and then weeks go by, and I post nothing, and then I feel guilty, and then I have a panic attack. It’s all great fun really.

I’m working on it. I’m even writing. It feels nice. I’m starting to feel like me again after months and months of feeling decidedly less me.

I even have some ideas for posts! Posts that don’t include me just rambling about how frustrated I am with Dirge! (Don’t fret Raining ink faithful, there will be plenty of that too.)

Also…just a heads up…

While I’m not formally accepting review requests anymore, I always make exceptions for friends and good causes. So expect to see a review of Joely Sue Burkhart’s The Zombie Billionaire’s Virgin Witch gracing my blog in the next couple of days. All proceeds will go towards rebuilding Joplin that suffered damages from a tornado last year. Not that I think you should need an incentive, Joely is my go-to romance author for a great read.

I’m also offering up posting space for A.M. Harte during November for her blog tour, to help kick off the release of Above Ground. That’s all I will have mental space for because I’m seriously contemplating doing NaNoWriMo this year because I’m sure I’ve mentioned before that I’m not all quite here myself.

Sometimes I wonder who even allowed me on the internet with a fully functioning keyboard. Well I say fully-functioning, the ‘I’ key has been missing for a year…no I don’t like what that says about me either.

Time to get back to my notebook. I have a plot that needs unscrambling.

Farewells and Jump-starts

Today I put Black Sun Reviews out of its misery.

Don’t look at me like that with those judging eyes. If anything, it was a mercy killing.

In truth, I feel a weight’s been lifted.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful to every author who trusted me to read their work and pour out my feelings on said work to the world at large. Er, well, at least to my humble corner of the blogosphere. It was an incredible learning experience and I found so many wonderful authors, mentors, and friends through the process.

Unfortunately, keeping BSR running burned me out and took time away from my writing that I can no longer afford to spend. So I said goodbye.

As a writer, you’ll spend most of your life making choices between commitments. There is always a choice, but know that there are consequences to every choice you make. More often than I care to admit, I’ve put something else above the writing and while I’ve never once regretted helping others, my work has suffered for my choice. And when the work suffers? I suffer.

It’s what all those authors mean when they preach about “protecting the work”.

I’m cutting back as many commitments as I can so that I can focus on the writing (and the drawing). I want to do more with this blog, I think there’s a lot of potential that I haven’t tapped into. I’d also really like to participate in Coyote Con this year, even if only as a viewer. I’m tentatively thinking about NaNoWriMo, but not looking to set myself up for failure. I’ve stalled too often to know that too much pressure too soon can put my muse in a muzzle and straitjacket.

For now, I’m taking it slow: assembling playlists, brainstorming blog topics, practice sketches on the art blog, and putting together story notes on Evernote.

So don’t let me sleep ’till September ends, ’cause I’ve got work to do.

Goodbye Springnote…

I’m one of those people that can’t keep a journal. I’ve tried. I just don’t do well with them.

One of the major reasons being that my hand writing is not exactly legibile. I’m being kind here. Also, my brain seems to prefer the process of typing than writing long hand. Which is odd, because I’m also a sketch artist who takes to drawing by hand better than digitally with a tablet. I’m not sure what that says about me.

Rather than try to force the issue, I thought I’d flow with the current and try my luck with journaling software. For the past six months or so, I’ve been happily using Springnote.

Unfortunately, Springnote recently announced they would be closing their services as of September 27th. You can register for a backup of your documents as of today, apparantly, but since the instructions are vague and the process is lenghty, I just said screw it, downloaded Evernote and manually copied and pasted all of my files over.

I’m sad to see the service go but am pretty content with Evernote. There’s some cool features I haven’t played around with yet but I’ll get to that. For now, I’m just focusing on organizing my series notes and getting back on track before September 1st.

How do you keep organized? Do you work better long hand or by keyboard? On a scale of controlled chaos to anal retentive, how specific is your process during the planning stages?

What I’m Reading: 15/03/12

What I’m Still Reading:

 The Complete Artist Way by Julia Cameron. I’m on Week 10 of the Walking in this World section. ‘Discovering a Sense of Camaraderie’, which talks about the importance of having a strong sounding board, which is something I’ve touched on before. It also talks about being wary of over-eager mentors who you’ve outgrown. My sister started taking an art class at the beginning of Jan. She liked it at first, but now, the more she goes, the more her instructor disagrees with her on stylistic points.  Because she’s new to this, she’s been taking his word as gospel. I’ve been drawing since I was about 12 and my work then isn’t anywhere near as good as what the good sister has managed to accomplish in a few short months. But that’s just like her, she excels at everything. But because I have the experience with it, and can therefore critique with a discerning eye…I told her flat out not to give her instructor too much credit because it sounds like he can’t distinguish style from technique, and that its OK, and necessary for her to experiment with things even if he disagrees with it. I think she’s starting to have more fun again, but I can tell she’s already outgrown his instruction. I just hope he doesn’t discourage her too much, because for a beginner, she’s doing remarkably well. Her own style is developing so quickly! I think artists have to be very careful about what sort of mentor they want to attach themselves too. I’m lucky that most of my mentors-both writing and drawing-are very close friends of mine who guide as well as support me on my journey.


Growing Up Native American: An Anthology

Still chugging along with this book, and enjoying the insights into the Native American perspective. I’m surprised by how many ideas its generated for my character. I was just expecting to get a handle on the role her culture plays, but I’ve got so much more! Something’s sort of nagged at me though. Why do Native Americans embrace the word “Indian”? I would have thought they’d be loathed to call themselves that since it was an English term pushed on them because the English invaders (History may be shaped by the victor, but that doesn’t mean we have to encourage it) thought they were landing in India? Or was this one of those things I was mistaught in high school? I’d love to hear from any Native American readers though I very much doubt I have any…

What I Just Started Reading…

The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff

Mackie Doyle is not one of us. Though he lives in the small town of Gentry, he comes from a world of tunnels and black murky water, a world of living dead girls ruled by a little tattooed princess. He is a Replacement, left in the crib of a human baby sixteen years ago. Now, because of fatal allergies to iron, blood, and consecrated ground, Mackie is fighting to survive in the human world.

Mackie would give anything to live among us, to practice on his bass or spend time with his crush, Tate. But when Tate’s baby sister goes missing, Mackie is drawn irrevocably into the underworld of Gentry, known as Mayhem. He must face the dark creatures of the Slag Heaps and find his rightful place, in our world, or theirs.

Borrowed from my very good friend. This blurb was not on the back cover, instead there was an excerpt that was quite creepy. I was expecting this book to be a Horror novel about an evil demon baby. I have to say I’m relieved it’s not. Much as I love to read edgy books, I’m a total whimp when it comes to outright Horror novels…and the story I’m getting instead looks a lot more up-my alley so to speak. Bring on the Urban Fantasy!

Gangster by M Jones

From the dark, basement speakeasies of 1926 Chicago, to the decadent parties of the Hollywood elite, psychopathic Clara slices her way through various people across America in her quest for fame. Brought along for the whirlwind ride of her murderous rampage, her enigmatic alien companion patiently waits for the opportunity to find his own target, a former friend set for assassination. He doesn’t understand Clara’s random need to destroy, but then, he is new to this strange, human landscape of murderers and victims. He can’t wait to simply do his job and leave this vicious world behind.

Sent to me for review by the author. Because I’ll be reviewing it on BSR, I probably will only refer to it here vaguely if at all. So far though? It’s sadistically hilarious, and the prose is elegant and strangely poetic considering the subject matter.

Gentlemen Prefer Nerds by Joan Kilby

Self-professed nerd Maddie Maloney is an expert on jewels. Jewel thieves are another matter entirely! So when a mysterious Englishman warns her that a thief known as The Chameleon is after the rare pink diamond on display in her aunt’s shop, she tells herself it’s just a joke. Even if she can’t get Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome out of her mind…

But Fabian Montgomery doesn’t give up easily. He’s everywhere she goes, convinced the thief will strike. And when the diamond does go missing-and Maddie is suspected of stealing it-he whisks her away from the police and together they pursue The Chameleon.

Fabian plunges her into a glamorous world far from her humble workshop and transforms geeky Maddie into a sophisticated siren capable of espionage. Her mission: to seduce The Chameleon and steal back the diamond.

But Fabian isn’t telling her everything-like who he works for, and why he’s so interested in The Chameleon…

This one I specially requested from the author (thank you Joan Kilby!), because even I need something light-hearted every once in awhile and I know a few of my Review readers love Romance. Again, I probably will only refer to this vaguely….

What are you reading these days? Anything you can recommend? Books are my passion, so I’d love to hear from you!

Fact Friday

Did you know…

You have about a 96% chance of surviving a Plane crash?

Scientists have discovered life in a lake of boiling Asphalt along with six other unlikely places?

During World War II, The Dutch disguised an injured pilot as a pregnant woman to help him escape a Nazi-occupied Hospital… and it actually worked?!

Someone actually thought Beeteljuice2: Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian sounded like a good idea?

MSN has a list of 10 trustworthy vehicles to get you through any apocalypse (Nuclear Winter, Economic Collapse, Zombie or other!)? I’m fond of the Paramount Marauder and the Rally Fighter…

Learned anything note-worth this week? Share in comments!

Fact Friday

Did You Know…..

Most people interpret you trying to understand others with an opposing viewpoint as being the same as agreeing with them? And this is one of the fundamental reasons we as human beings will probably never understand one another?

Scientists have discovered a new Super Earth (GJ1214b) unlike any they’ve ever seen before? Because it has at least twice as much water as Earth does, and supposedly has ‘hot ice’ and ‘superfluid water’?

The U.S.S. William D. Porter had several hilariously inept adventures in which they almost killed the president, like, twice? I’m almost convinced they were actually working undercover for the Nazis, but I think that would be giving the crew too much credit.

Spiders give massages?

That Amazon pulled 5,000 e-books off their website?

Have you learned anything note-worth this week? Share in comments!

What I’m Reading: 22/02/12

 The Complete Artist Way by Julia Cameron.

I bought this over two years ago, but every time I tried to read it, I would stall near the end of The Artist Way. Julia Cameron described it as making a Creative U-Turn, and likened it to a horse refusing the jump. I have made a lot of Creative U-Turns, so the visual stuck with me. And, after three U-Turns too many, I made the jump. I made a commitment to stick with it, and am now onto the next section Walking in this World. I’m enjoying the weekly walks. Sometimes, I still crave the endorphin-enduced high of a run. Perhaps I will get back into it, but for now I’m content to walk and enjoy the scenery and clarity that comes with it. This week’s chapter was all about doing things in small increments and learning to finish things. It couldn’t be more timely, what with my recent frustrations with Dirge. I think I will just have to hang my fears out to try and commit to a Fast (read: horribly imperfect) Draft if I am ever to finish it. Making it shine is Second Draft’s job….right?

Julia’s essays are always thoughtful and inspiring. While I resisted the technique of Morning Pages often and frequently when I first started this process, the method has become an invaluable tool. I can no longer stand to do anything until after my morning pages are written because they help to cluttered my brain. It sweeps away the cobwebs induced my early morning jitters and my usual bundled mess of anxiety. It is a great resource for budding artists of any kind. Though I admit, some of the exercises can feel tedious and “forced”, the rest are generally insightful.

Growing Up Native American Anthology

Mainly research for a character in Stars, and I haven’t gotten very far with. I’ve always been fascinated by cultural exchange and different perspectives, and this project has a strong multicultural influence. From the stories I’ve read so far in the anthology, I’ve found them to be poetically executed. In one particular story, Simon Ortiz talks about the power of language and how being forced to learn English (which he did rather quickly because of his natural inclination for words) only made him cling that much more tightly to his original language: Acoma. But by knowing both, he is empowered. He is in a unique position to see and understand and educate from both sides. I’ve always believed that learning languages is the key to understanding and appreciating different cultures and find it disappointing that we are not all privileged to do so, or that more emphasis is not placed on teaching languages (beyond Spanish, French, etc..) in the early stages of learning.


I’m certainly gaining a lot of insight and ideas for my character, that’s for sure!

Memory of Fire by Holly Lisle

I’d heard great things about Holly’s World Gates series and now I have the whole set! I really enjoyed book 1 and how the magic system worked. Every action has a consequence. Everything comes with a price. Every single character was interesting and felt fully realized. I especially liked June Bug’s arc. I’m holding off on book 2 simply because I’m going through How To Think Sideways again and there’s a lesson that draws heavily on The Wreck of Heaven (Book 2 of The World Gates). Don’t know if I’ll be able to make it, but I’m trying to resist!

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

The last book in The Hunger Games Trilogy. I loved these books so much that I wish I had written them. So much author envy/admiration. Though, I did refrain from getting emotionally involved in the romance plot because I hate love triangles and I don’t think anyone’s going to write a polyandrous YA story. (Prove me wrong someone?!)

The premise was the real draw for me and I enjoyed seeing Katniss’ character (among others: Prim, Gale, Finnick, Haymitch, Cinna, etc) evolve over the space of the books (through lots and lots of gritty violence. No, I’m not even ashamed.) I thought Mockingjay was a great conclusion to an epic series of books and I hope beyond hope that it gets made into a movie because some of those militaristic scenes would be sweeeeeeet!! The visuals presented throughout each book just lend itself so well to the cinema, it would be a damn shame if The Hunger Games does not do well enough to warrant green lighting the sequels. I’ve already lent the books to two very critical friends they both enjoyed the series immensely. I kind of hope Suzanne will think of a way to write more books in this universe, but I can pretty much guarantee I’ll buy her next book no matter what it is.

What are you all reading? I love recommendations!


Dear God, I can’t stop.

After reading the Bloggess’ post about the That Can Be My Next Tweet generator, I just kinda can’t help myself. According to the generator, tweeps can hope to see these gems of wisdom from me sometime in the future:

“I’m writing doesn’t suck? No?” Could totally see this.

“I can be gagged with a poptart.”

“I don’t really mind Dawn so long as an April Fool’s?” Buffy fans, wouldn’t that have been nice?

“I find this scene with cupcakes.” You know, I would LOVE to find a scene with cupcakes…

“Re: walmart guy reads Patrica Briggs….I must find mine can I make.”

“Can we go! God Bless the Caribbean. This is a foreign country Absolutely, thank you!”

“Cellos are men.” No wonder I’m single.

“NFC Championship Game- don’t drink.” Wow, I sound kind of judgmental in the future. Or is this just a note to myself?

“The Hunt for the Chocolate. And somehow, I deserve a few crushed planes on both! Not that one. Cheers!” And this? Is probably why I shouldn’t drink.

“I just do look forward to you!”

“Oh God. I think you are officially badass. THAT IS EPIC. “ Hee! I dedicate this one to The Bloggess!

“Gotcha, does make sweet savage love stories!” And this one to Joely. 😉

“No! No! I hate double standard in a females heart!”

“I’ve officially met my brain. Evidently not a frickin’ fairy princess. YAY!” It’s like they KNOW me!

“I gotta feeling…that tonight’s gonna be on your pillows.”

“Thank you met my movie-watching life? Re: Doomed” And THIS gets dedicated to T-Bowe and Dogg!

The petty squabbles are officially at T-Bowe and I’m about to maul and muffins.” Another for the guys. I do love mauling and muffins.

“Trust me, finding a scene that is anti-feminist are getting old, MAN UP and make!” HEE!

“Ok, so far. And good night. ; Likewise?”

“YES! THIS! How to stab someone. Wouldn’t surprise me dizzy.” Well that’s not very reassuring…


!, indeed.